Mail in repair


No Fix, No Fee means no cost if we can’t fix your iPad, iPhone, tablet, or smartphone repair problems.

With Limited Lifetime Warranty!

We offer a variety of solutions for any circuit board microsoldering needs. We replace connectors, fix backlights, solve charging problems, repair broken traces, and much more.


  1. Check out our Repair Services for tablet, smartphone, iPhone and iPad repairs. If you don’t see your problem listed, call us for a custom quote.
  2. Fill out the repair form below and tell us about the history of the problem. We will respond within 24 hours with your quote and instructions to send your device in for service. All incoming devices need to have a pre-approved repair quote.Don’t want to wait? Call us anytime to get started right now: (682) 583-2527
  3. Mail your device to our repair shop at 3588 Golden Triangle Boulevard Ste 100, Fort Worth, TX 76244.
  1. During intake after arrival we will match your device to your repair and send you an automatic “We received it” email and place your device in queue.
  2. If we have any questions or updates during the repair process we will send a ticket update, and if not, you’ll receive an email letting you know that your device has been repaired and a link to pay your invoice via Paypal or credit card.
  3. Your device will automatically be shipped back to you after payment is received, and a you’ll get a tracking number to watch it make its way back home.

Mail-in Repair Form